Surfacing Images

Surfacing Images; #19, 2021, Acrylic Ink on Paper, 56x76 cm.
Gülay Yaşayanlar, who is on the verge of an opening provided by the current visual language possibilities in her series titled Surfacing Images, seeks to develop a basic carrier form, this time in a larger area. Body extension connections covered in the Abject are reinterpreted in accordance with the demands of the aesthetic that the new visual order seeks (or reaches). While the disclosure closure/display and citation preference contributes to the visual integrity of the picture, the net links seem to have been canceled again. Imagination is decisive here; It has a function that creates a body with basic structure repetition and then loads it with provocative, irreel or queer connections. In a way that we can define as an “internal space creation practice” that completes the picture; emphasizes the stripped and excavated distinctions as a new event occurring on the surface. This holistic effect, reminiscent of Palimpsest, reveals the visuality produced by a fluid shaping between hesitation and certainty.
Mümtaz Sağlam, Copright© 2022.
Mümtaz Sağlam, Copright© 2022.
Selected Works

Surfacing Images; #2, 2021, Acrylic Ink on Paper, 38x28 cm.
Surfacing Images; #12, 2021, Acrylic Ink on Paper, 38x28 cm.
The pictures in the series Surfacing Images express a general unrest. It is the product of a practice of symbolization and erosion. It is possible to say that these paintings, in which a view of the dirty, rusty and defective, are formed, have evolved into a contemporary and realistic interpretation through the concept of abject. The imagination referring to this abject, which meets a feeling of distance (distance) that characterizes the limited life that continues under the threat of the virus, and a mood full of fear and delusion, seems to be extremely effective with its visual integrity, especially in the last period. MS

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