Post Trauma Paintings
2021 — 2022In the recent paintings of Gülay Yaşayanlar, in which the image is expressed as a direct display element; it is necessary to establish a formation consisting of a single and fluid colour effect emphasizing the potential of mental density. The style of her production considers a pornographic plane smeared with blood as a prerequisite for the actual representation. This situation, which can be described as an image automatism when conceptualized; includes the artist's adventure of reaching an ideal action-image in experimental abstractions, together with a visuality lived in a completely scarlet-red inner universe. This dialecticism and "red-enhanced" imagination, which corresponds to a fundamental intellectual and organic reconciliation or unity, is made possible by an intense transfer of emotions and thoughts
Mümtaz Sağlam, Copright© 2022.
Selected Works
Group 1
Selected Works
Group 2
In addition, issues such as the definition of the centre of gravity of the painting and the direction of the masses are also handled with the possibilities of the space-regulating effect provided by a single colour. At this point, the colour red prepares a deep dimension/plane for the artist; with its form and content references, it gives identity and character to the folds and distinctions of the imagination that establishes itself. Red becomes a signifier of a new and different aesthetic perception, which keeps radical change on the agenda and makes the marginalized interpretation current. Moreover, it is also an atmospheric effect that directs the formation in the existence adventure of the action-image, on the threshold of the search for change and the possibilities of deviation... MS
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