“Heart” Series

Heart; #30, Detail, 2020, Acrylic on Paper, 38x28 cm.
In the paintings produced by Gülay Yaşayanlar in the first half of the 2000s, we encounter a typology reminiscent of the limbs of the inanimate body. Among them, the image that stands out as the basic representation form and directly evokes the heart in the series he named Heart; rather than the ongoing life, it shifts to a negative space through the narratives of crisis and death. Therefore, it is used as the basic indicator of fear, insecurity and anxiety, diversified and turned into a carrier element of a visual that transcends itself. This hybrid image, which has turned into a sensitive indicator, is increasingly conceptualized in the visual field; thus becoming an icon whose power and influence is reinforced.
Mümtaz Sağlam, Copright© 2021.
Mümtaz Sağlam, Copright© 2021.

Heart; #30, Detail, 2020, Acrylic on Paper, 38x28 cm.
The fact that Gülay Yaşayanlar gives priority to the heart-breath issue in her works also draws attention to the formal aspect of the will for change and the integrity of the content. The basic metaphor of this approach is undoubtedly the image-concept of the unchanging face… This image, which gives its name to the series Heart, is clearly used as a basic form symbolizing the restless, sick and malfunctioning. The heart is the sign of directly dealing with the truth here. It reflects the surface (surfacing) dirty and rough face of a long and deep sounding. This tired, lifeless, discolored or cut body part; it should be seen as the historical and psychological aspect of a special view, a visual research that will gradually gain dimensions. That's why maybe it is repeated so much, it is re-established and lost again and again. Its absence, on the other hand, points directly to death… MS
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